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Art is a medium that enables healing and promotes creative skills that can be utilised life long

Art is a medium that promotes healing and gives skills for creativity in all of life.  This is important in a country where trauma is still so rife.  BAP is a registered Non-Profit Organisation operating in Vrygrond, a diverse and vulnerable community in the Western Cape. 


It encourages creativity and healing through art to build strong communities of active, artistic and stable citizens that can recognise and utilise opportunities. By partnering with diverse educational institutions, offering mentorships, training for educators and art practitioners to run healing art classes in vulnerable communities, BAP builds resources for a creative network within the greater South Africa and beyond.


Contact: Zaid Philander 

Project Supported

2016 - 2019 Operational costs

2020: Crisis funding


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A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of

Nelson Mandela


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